A divorce may be granted in Nebraska on the no-fault basis of irretrievable breakdown of marriage. Other grounds include lack of mental capacity at time of marriage.
Montana Ground Rules
Irretrievable breakdown of the marriage and living separate and apart for 180 days prior to filing are the only grounds for dissolution of marriage in Montana.
Maryland Ground Rules
A divorce may be granted in Maryland divorce law for any of the following grounds.
Michigan Ground Rules
A divorce may be granted in Michigan divorce law for the “no-fault” ground of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved.
Minnesota Ground Rules
A divorce may be granted in Minnesota divorce law on the no-fault basis of irrevocable breakdown of the marriage relationship, shown by living separate and apart for 180 days or serious marital discord adversely affecting the attitude of one or both spouses.
Mississippi Ground Rules
A divorce may be granted in Mississippi divorce law on the no-fault ground of irreconcilable differences.
Missouri Ground Rules
A divorce may be granted in Missouri divorce law on the no-fault ground of irretrievable breakdown of marriage; or on the fault grounds of adultery, incompatibility, six months’ abandonment, living apart by mutual consent for one year, or two years’ living separate and apart.
I want to change the division of property in my divorce.
If you want to change the division of property in your divorce, what are your options for doing so? Is there a time limit for it? What do you need? Certified Family Law Specialist Michelle May O’Neil explains all this and more in this guide to property di
Family Law Funnies!
FARM COUNTRY WITNESSES SAY THE DARNDEST THINGS! In Sussex County, equitable distribution often involves dividing the “back-forty.” The county is bucolic with rolling hills, farmland, lakes and streams. As such, our Sussex County mindset varies greatly from the more urban counties of New Jersey. During a palimony hearing, a Defendant testified that, although his relationship […]
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