While there is no way to completely eliminate your divorce anxiety, there are plenty of strategies you can use to care for yourself during this transition. Here are just a few.
Health and Well-Being
10 Reasons I Found Divorce Freeing
The possibilities are truly endless and in your control. To find divorce freeing, however, you need a strategy; a financial divorce expert, a divorce coach or therapist, and a support group can be keys to a brighter future.
How to Live Alone After Divorce and Not Be Lonely
While there is no doubt that this will be a tough time, you must continue to take care of yourself mentally and physically, so you face every new day with a refreshed mindset.
Marital Compatibility: What Couples Get Wrong About Marriage
Long-lasting marriages and relationships aren’t based on beautiful feelings. They thrive because of compatibility and the unique differences both genders bring to the relationship and how well each can resolve a conflict.
Divorce or Counseling: Can Couples Therapy Save a Marriage?
Studies show that marriage therapy is effective in reducing distress among partners. It has a success rate of over 85%, and its effects often last for the next five years. According to surveys from many couples, they state they were able to save their marriages with the help of couples counseling.
Is Non-Physical ‘Cheating’ a Reason to Break up Your Marriage?
This question can only be answered after you first take a closer look at what YOU define as ‘cheating’ and what YOU feel is acceptable or unacceptable in your marriage.
How to Show You’re Committed Without Getting Married
Not everyone wants to get married for a second time, which can leave some people feeling like they’re unable to show their partner, friends, and family just how committed they really are. Without a second trip down the aisle, you might like to take some of the following actions.
7 Tips for Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic abuse can be as overt as yelling, screaming, and criticizing or, as covert as gaslighting, withholding needs, and denying what was and wasn’t said.
How to Use Divorce-Related Anger to Your Advantage
Constructive anger serves the greater good. In other words, when you use constructive anger you are using a negative emotion in a way that benefits you instead of in a way that destroys you.
How Mental Illness Can Impact Your Divorce Case
If you are the spouse who’s been diagnosed with a mental illness, you may need to be especially meticulous in establishing how it does (and does not) impact your daily life.
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