Allison Pescosolido & Andra Brosh, Founders of Divorce Detox in Los Angeles, discuss how to turn your divorce into a meaningful experience.
Health and Well-Being
Managing Negative Thoughts Through Positive Manipulation
Use the art of Positive Manipulation to consciously shift yourself away from a negative state of being and make choices that benefit you, your ex and your children. This easy step by step process will guide you to a happier and sound life.
What Will People Think
Learn how to let go of what other people think of your divorce. Susan Pease Gadoua explains the way some will act when they hear the news of your divorce and different strategies for you to deal with their criticism.
Marriage and Divorce Can Trigger Dangerous Weight Gain: Study
Researchers at Ohio State University found that both marriage and divorce can both be causes for serious weight gain for both men and women. Find out why these important moments in life are so crucial to your health.
Acceptance or Resistance: Choose
A good place to start releasing the pain of divorce is with the practice of acceptance.
When Both Parents Have Significant Psychological Disorders
During divorce, it may turn out that each of the co-parents has significant personality disorders or psychiatric problems that are causing stress in the children.
Changing Beliefs
Learn the ABC’s of dealing with anger and frustration with Lori Rubenstein. The fundamentals of keeping a sound mind and controlling the emotions are easily learned from following this exercise.
Embrace Change
Although we all agree that we do not like change, there are ways to ease into a life transition. Setting up stability is one of the first steps needed for change.
Forgive, But Don’t Forget
At our core, we know that forgiveness is the way to go. We know instinctively that it’s best for us. But why is it so hard to forgive?
Get Your Head Right
Embrace the pain of divorce to allow the healing to begin. Sounds strange but it accomplishes acceptance and moving on. Gather your courage and accept all of the fears that are in your thoughts.
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