Learn about how the wars within you may be affecting all aspects of your life. Stacy Phillips extends a helpful hand into the negative feelings during divorce and how to stay clear of allowing them to impact your life.
Health and Well-Being
Forgive Your Unfaithful Partner and Let Go of Anger
The final stage of recovery involves forgiving your unfaithful partner. It takes courage and humility to let go of anger and the desire for revenge and to replace it with kindness, but it is possible.
Forgive Yourself First in Order to Recover from Divorce
Forgiveness is one of the most challenging steps in the divorce recovery process, and it begins with you.
How do I minimize the negative impact of divorce on our children?
Learn from Dennis Ortman what to do to decrease the negative impact that divorces plays in your child’s life. By easily following this list of 7 do’s and don’ts your can kids get through this harsh transition.
Post Traumatic Stress
Read about post traumatic stress disorder and how it relates to your spouse’s affair. Dennis Ortman helps you understand the steps needed to come to terms with the devastation you will feel when you find out your partner has cheated.
Some Do’s and Dont’s for Recovery from Divorce – 1
Discover from this article, last of a 3 part series, the way to recovery from divorce. Following this list of do’s and don’ts will get you on your way to moving on to your happier life.
Some Do’s and Dont’s for Recovery from Divorce – 2
Read the top 8 ways to divorce recovery. This article gives a list of do’s and don’ts and when followed you will immediately start feeling better. Now you are ready to move on to your happy life because it is waiting for you.
Some Do’s and Dont’s for Recovery from Divorce – 3
Read a compiled short list from Dennis Ortman on how to begin the your journey towards healing after divorce and making your way to moving on to your better life…It’s waiting for you.
The Trauma of Betrayal. Suffering the Trauma of an Affair
All too often, couples separate because one partner has been betrayed when the other has sought a fulfilling love elsewhere. If you have been abandoned by a lifelong partner, you know how overwhelming and unspeakable the hurt and outrage can be.
Overeating May Be Your Biggest Enemy
Read about the dangers of over-eating and how to combat that war within from Stacy Phillips. When you are transitioning from being married to divorce a good self image plays a big part in coping with this situation.
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