A visit to the New Age Health Spa can help you face your life with renewed energy and enthusiasm, by Diana Shepherd
Health and Well-Being
Ending Domestic Abuse
There are many reasons why people hurt the ones they love. They may lash out because they are unable to communicate their anger in any other manner, or because it’s their only way to feel in control. Still others may be genuinely sociopathic.
Energize! How Exercise Can Help You During and After Your Divorce
Exercise can help to relieve stress and depression—and boost your energy—during and after divorce.
Healing yourself with practical prayer
Science has proven that prayer can be an effective self-help tool — whether or not you’re a “religious” person. Here’s one way to harness the power of prayer.
Letting Go
Letting go is not about giving up something. It’s about getting something back: namely, your life, your true self. Here’s some more about the not-so-gentle art of letting go.
Products and tips to help you through this stressful time
Can a pet really help you and your kids through a trying time such as divorce? Research says that pets lower more than just heart rates, but also can make you smile, which releasing tension and stress. By Diana Shepherd
Relax! Calming your Body and Mind after Divorce
Believe it or not, your body holds the key to a peaceful and low-stress life. Yoga and massage can calm and relax body and mind, which will help you feel – and think – better.
A Good Night’s Sleep
Having a hard time sleeping either during or after the divorce proceedings? Learn from Diana Shepherd how to best regain that balance in your sleeping patterns, so you can feel more productive in your daily life.
Reclaiming Your Self
Learn how to find the aspects of your life that you sacrificed to help your marriage work. This article guides you through the process of finding yourself, which empowers you to seek out for what you once gave up.
Tips on Surviving Divorce
Get advice from a divorce lawyer, as she offers details on the divorcing process, so you become prepared for the road ahead. Learn her 23 tips and become empowered and more confident when you approach this transition in your life.
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