Divorce is one of the most stressful life events you can experience, but there are some valuable remedies – both physical and mental – you can use to reduce your anxiety levels.
Health and Well-Being
Becoming a Bachelor Parent
The new challenges and adjustments that you’ll face as a bachelor parent can be overwhelming at times, but the rewards of raising good, happy children are immeasurable.
Divorce and Grief: an Interview with Russell Friedman
A special interview with Russell Friedman, executive director of The Grief recovery Institute and co-author of The Grief Recovery Handbook.
Handling the Holidays
If you’re recently separated or divorced, avoiding the holiday blues can be a challenge. But with a little planning, creativity, and courage, you can cope with — and even enjoy — the holiday season this year.
How Did I Get Here?
Read this inspiring story of one woman’s victory of finding balance and inner peace with her life. Learning from her journey may give you the tools you need to find peace and live a more fulfilling life.
Laughing Through the Pain
The communal aspect of laughter can provide comfort to those who feel alone.
Will You Win or Lose after Divorce?
Discover some of the reasons why certain divorce couples in similar situations end up with drastically different outcomes. Read this article to become aware and prepare yourself for during and after the divorce process.
A Primer in Hostility
How to recognize, understand, and diffuse hostility.
If You’re Angry
Take the advice from the expert Andrea Brandt, Ph.D on recovering form your divorce with a few easy steps which will bring you to a more peaceful mind set. Then you are ready to begin the healing process and start your life fresh.
Managing the Anger of Divorce
Since anger is really unresolved hurt without an outlet for healthy expression, repressed hostility causes an escalation of conflict. As a result, the legitimate suffering that both parties experience in marital discord often transforms into a stressful, expensive courtroom battle.
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