Determine weather or not you are still suffering from the pain of divorce with Andrea Brandt, Ph.D. If your symptoms are still prevalent then learn how to deal with those emotions and move on to your life of happiness that awaits.
Health and Well-Being
An Extraordinary Life
An interview with Debbie Ford, a bestselling author of many books concerning life after divorce. She explains that you have a choice to become active in your divorce recovery. Use the pain to heal yourself and move on.
Back to School
If you’ve been out of the workforce for the last five, ten, or more years to concentrate on your marriage and kids, your job skills may have become outdated, and you might be thinking about going back to school to retrain. Or maybe you’ve never liked your job and have been dreaming about a career U-turn. You’ll find inspiration from the real-life stories about people who went back to school after their divorce, and found a new life and a more fulfilling career.
Looking Good!
Like it or not, how you look does affect how you feel about yourself – especially if your ex-spouse insulted your appearance. Once you’ve acquired “The Basics” – flattering hairstyle, clothes, and a positive body image to go with them – an attractive appearance takes relatively little effort. Here’s how.
Creating a Satisfying Life
Contrary to what you might believe, personal happiness is not dependent on life dealing you a good hand. How you respond to what comes your way will largely determine whether your life is fulfilling or not; here’s how to move from dissatisfaction to real satisfaction.
Discovering Your Single Identity After Divorce
After a breakup, you have the opportunity and freedom to become who you wish to be. You should use this opportunity, no matter how negative its origins, to resurrect your identity and exercise freedom of choice. Seize the chance to create and learn, and use your experiences as a means of building something new.
Full Esteem Ahead
Reclaiming your self-esteem after divorce is a critical part of the healing process. Here are some practical suggestions to help you on your way.
Making Changes
Divorce is all about change — some negative, and some positive. How you look and feel physically can have a considerable impact on your emotional state; here’s how to use a healthy diet, exercise, and maybe even cosmetic surgery to make a change for the better.
Reaching Renewal: Scripting your Post-Divorce Life
Scripting your post-divorce life can be exhilarating, rewarding — and a little overwhelming. Here are some suggestions to help you along your way.
Tips for Surviving Divorce
A practicing divorce lawyer offers tips, advice, and encouragement for those navigating the maze of divorce.
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