Alcohol and drug use can play a major role in divorce. In the end, self-loathing and the choice to continue drinking rather than working on my marriage eventually led to its demise.
Health and Well-Being
Staying Calm while Negotiating with Your Ex
Ten tips for staying cool and calm during heated divorce-related negotiations or conversations.
The Four Divorces
We think of divorce as a single event – you get divorced and you’re done. The truth is that you need to go through these four divorces: the Legal Divorce, the Financial Divorce, the Social Divorce, and the Emotional Divorce. Here’s how each will affect you.
Happier Holidays During and After Divorce
If you’re newly separated or divorced, you may be dreading holidays. But with planning, creativity, and courage you can cope with – and even enjoy – holidays throughout the year. Here are 7 strategies to help you recapture some of the joy you experienced as a child during the holidays.
Stress Busters: 10 Tips to Help you Cope with Divorce
Here are ten easy ways to combat divorce-related stress. Try one, or try them all – it’s up to you!
Is there anything you can recommend to reduce the amount of stress for people going through the process of divorce?
Yes. I am a big, big believer in reaching out and getting the help that is available from trained mental health professionals. There seems to be a stigma, a hesitancy to go into therapy or go into counselling because it makes us look bad or it makes us look weak. Nothing could be farther from […]
Victimhood: The Curse of Divorce Recovery
Ten tips to help you overcome your feelings of victimhood.
Befriending Your Ex
Befriending your ex-spouse is about forming a new and positive relationship that is different from the one you had as a married couple.
Coping With an Emotional Divorce
Strategies to help you unpack your emotional baggage, take a step away from the past, and move forward.
8 Great Tips to Help You Set Sail for a New Future
Divorce is the end of your old life, but it’s also the start of a new one. Make sure to seize this opportunity to chart a course for a new post-divorce life you’ll love!
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