Divorce can be nasty business, but no matter how angry you are at your spouse, it’s no excuse to involve your children in the nastiness.
Parenting and Step-Families
My new stepchildren treat me like a doormat. What can I do?
My own kids are starting to talk back to me, too. What can I do to improve the situation?”
San Diego Divorce: Co-parenting: Creating two homes for your children
California’s public policy is that both parents remain involved in their children’s lives after divorce. This article talks about creating a new, workable parenting relationship after the parents split up.
Don’t Give Up On Your Parenting Responsibilities During Divorce
Remember to keep in mind the impact your divorce and behavior will have on your children. DO not give up on your parenting responsibilities.
Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome
Alienating parents utilize techniques similar to those employed by cult leaders, including withdrawing love, creating loyalty binds, cultivating dependency, repeating negative statements about the targeted parents, and encouraging black-or-white thinking.
Parenthood as a Spiritual Journey
I believe our children are our teachers. No matter where we are on our spiritual path, having a child accelerates our personal growth and provides us with numerous avenues for self-discovery and life learning.
Parental Alienation Syndrome(PAS): Causes, Cures, Costs, Controversy
Introduction In no other area of family law do people become more polarized than in cases involving parental alienation (PA) and parental alienation syndrome (PAS). And though volumes have been written on this subject, there still exists enormous confusion as to what the real problem is. Because there is rarely enough accurate information to make […]
Reconcilable Differences: Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Marriages End, Families Don’t. Cate Cochran tells about a mom that got over her divorce and developed a relationship with her ex-husband and his new love.
Vengeance and Retribution
Is a person seeking vengeance and retribution through the legal system likely to be successful? Probably not. Instead, a tremendous amount of money will be spent on attorney’s fees, and a great deal of emotional energy will be wasted.
Here and Now: How to Keep the Non-Custodial Parent Involved
Psychologist Nicholas Long gives tips on how to keep the non-custodial parent involved by strengthening their relationship with their child.
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