Are stock options considered assets to be divided during divorce? The first thing we need to look at is what is a stock option? A stock option is the right to buy stock in a company who employs the spouse at a discounted or fixed price within a certain period of time. Stock options can […]
Property Division
How Are Businesses Divided in a Divorce?
State divorce laws vary, and where you live will impact how the court shares your business during divorce.
PODCAST: Michael Sarris Discussed What a Judge Consider When Dividing Marital Property
Michael Sarris, a California family law attorney at Gilligan, Frisco & Trutanich, discusses what a judge considers when dividing marital property.
WATCH: Michael Sarris Discussed What a Judge Consider When Dividing Marital Property
Michael Sarris, a California family law attorney at Gilligan, Frisco & Trutanich, discusses what a judge considers when dividing marital property.
WATCH: Brian McNamara discussed Texas Divorce & Property Division
Dan Couvrette, the publisher of and Family Lawyer Magazine discussed Texas divorce and property division with Family Lawyer Brian McNamara of Kingwood, Texas.
How to Protect Your Real Estate Assets from an Impending Divorce
The laws can differ between states when it comes to determining what assets are marital and which are not. These laws determines which assets are divided during a divorce.
WATCH: If the Couple Co-Own a Business, How will It Be Divided in Divorce?
The Impact of Domestic Violence in Property Settlement
Make sure you have enough evidence to prove a domestic violence claim that you are going to make. Once you are ready, file the Property Settlement Application.
Property Division And Debts: Are They Divided at the Same Time?
Sean Sullivan, an Illinois family lawyer answers the common question surrounding property division and debts, are they settled at the same time?
Are there any tax consequences to a short sale or foreclosure in WI?
Are there any tax consequences to a short sale or foreclosure if the bank forgives the unpaid part of the loan?
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