As long as you and your spouse disclosed all information with one another before writing up and signing a prenuptial agreement it will hold up in court. Click to read more.
Relationships and Dating
Stepfamily Situations: Roles and Expectations
What are your roles and responsibilities in a stepfamily? How does stepparenting compare with parenting your biological children? And what happens to step-relationships when the stepfamily breaks up?
Marriage and Divorce Can Trigger Dangerous Weight Gain: Study
Researchers at Ohio State University found that both marriage and divorce can both be causes for serious weight gain for both men and women. Find out why these important moments in life are so crucial to your health.
Consumer Culture Affecting Marriage
Listen to the expert explain the harsh reality of people choosing mates because they suit their list of qualifications and not because of love. A marriage has it’s ups and downs and together you must grow and nurturer each other.
Happy Ever After the Second Time Around
Many people pick the same wrong match for themselves the second time around, picking the same sort person they did the first time, when it did not work.
Acceptance or Resistance: Choose
A good place to start releasing the pain of divorce is with the practice of acceptance.
Now that I’m getting a divorce, my prenup doesn’t seem fair. What can I do about it now?
Find out what you can do to have the judge view your entire prenuptial agreement as unenforceable, causing them to throw it out completely.
A Great Marriage Is a Lifelong Courtship
If you can learn about what a great marriage is and how to get there, you have a better chance to achieve one. Here are the secrets from a couple who has been happily married for more than 50 years.
Are You Addicted to Your Relationship?
You know you’re better off leaving your partner, but something is keeping you from moving on. Here are the reasons why people stay in addictive relationships.
Are You Really Ready for Serious Dating?
If you’ve been single for a while, you may feel that you’ve already been through the dating mill. But once you begin dating with purpose, you’ll have a new sense of focus and motivation to guide and inspire you.
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