With so many questions on divorce and how it affects your taxes, this article compiles a list of commonly asked questions, and points to a person who can answer them: a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.
Tax Issues
How do I handle tax blackmail?
Tax blackmail usually results in collateral damage to both sides of your case due to joint tax returns being signed. Click to read on how to handle tax blackmail.
What are the tax advantages of a properly prepared separation agreement in Ontario?
The main tax advantage is that where spousal support is paid under the agreement in a certain amount each month (or each regular period — e.g., weekly, or quarterly) the amount is deductible from the payer’s income for the purpose of calculating income tax and includible in the payee’s income for tax purposes. This is […]
Are alimony and child support taxable in NY?
Are New York alimony and child support are taxable? If so, is there is any way of structuring support payments to lower my taxes?
Are alimony and child support taxable in California?
Are spousal and child support taxable in California? If so, is there any way to structure support payments to my ex to lower my taxes?
How can my income taxes be affected by my divorce?
Whoever gets the children or has to pay child support in your divorce will have a large effect on the income taxes of both parents.
Are spousal and child support taxable in Canada?
Find out if spousal and child support are taxable and how you can work support payments out to your benefit whether you are the payer or the payee.
How could my income taxes be affected by my divorce in Florida?
Miami CPA Phil Shechter answers the question “How could my income taxes be affected by my divorce in Florida?” Read on to see what he says.
Is there any way of structuring support payments to lower my taxes in FL?
As the one paying spousal support your payments are deductible provided that you meet a few particular qualifications.
Is there any way of structuring support payments to lower my taxes in New York?
Click to find out if Alimony and child support are taxable and if there is a way to structure support payments to lower your taxes.
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