Consider things like taking a bubble bath, reading a book, or even treating yourself to a special Easter treat or gift. By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better able to enjoy the holiday
Children and Divorce
What Happens When Children are Caught in the Middle of Divorce?
If you want your divorce to do little harm to your children, it’s your job to keep down the conflict and keep them out of the middle of problems between you and your ex.
3 Tips For Helping Children Understand Divorce
Divorce is hard enough on its own, but it can be even more difficult to get through when children are involved. Parents tend to have to focus on things like custody battles and doing what’s best for their children as the divorce is finalized.
How Domestic Violence Impacts Child Custody Battles
If there was domestic violence in a marriage, it can influence factors in the divorce case such as how to divide up the assets, how much alimony should be paid to who, and who should have custody of the children.
4 Early Divorce Mistakes and Why You Should Avoid Them
Whatever the reason(s) a marriage fails, the decision to divorce is typically an emotionally difficult one, and jumping into the divorce process without being fully prepared for what is to come can lead to several critical and potentially costly mistakes which can be avoided with the right preparation.
5 Tips to Help Deal With Post-Divorce Conflict With Your Ex
You may no longer live in the same home but you can bet, if you were married to someone with anger management issues, you will continue to be the recipient of their anger after the divorce is final.
What To Do When Shared Custody Isn’t Working
Parents and guardians can arrive at various forms of shared custody. Even when everyone involved puts significant time and effort into planning the arrangement, it doesn’t always work out.
8 Behaviors Parents Should Avoid During Divorce
During divorce insanity can ensue and even the best parent can behave in ways that severely damage their children. Below are examples of things parents have done during divorce, things that you do not want to do!
What is a Malignant Divorce and How do You Deal With It?
In a “malignant divorce,” a couple engages in hostile confrontation instead of legal negotiation in an attempt to resolve issues such as child custody, dividing marital assets and so forth. As a result of the hostility, there is damage done to not only themselves but their children also.
15 True Fears that Keep Women From Leaving Bad Marriages
A three-component model of commitment was created by John Meyer and Natalie Allen when studying why people stay in jobs or careers. These same components can be used when identifying why someone stays in a bad marriage.
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