Whatever the reason(s) a marriage fails, the decision to divorce is typically an emotionally difficult one, and jumping into the divorce process without being fully prepared for what is to come can lead to several critical and potentially costly mistakes which can be avoided with the right preparation.
Divorce Articles by Family Lawyers and Divorce Professionals
How to Safely Move out from a Domestic Violence Situation
Here are 6 tips for planning a path to freedom – as well as a list of movers offering free services to victims of domestic violence in the United States.
Love and the Dotted Line: the Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement
It may not be the most romantic part of your blooming relationship, but a prenuptial agreement can protect your financial future if that bloom fades. Whether you’re Donald and Ivana or John and Jane, here’s what you need to know before walking down the aisle.
5 Tips to Help Deal With Post-Divorce Conflict With Your Ex
You may no longer live in the same home but you can bet, if you were married to someone with anger management issues, you will continue to be the recipient of their anger after the divorce is final.
5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Emotionally During Divorce
Divorce, the legal process, is emotionally draining. Due to this, it can be easy to get lost in the process and for divorce to become your entire life.
7 Things to Consider When Divorcing in the New Digital Age
Over the last 15 years, with the prevalence of email, Twitter, and Facebook divorce has changed a lot.
7 Tips for Protecting Your Credit During Divorce
Divorce is no walk in the park. You’re not only dealing with the legal and emotional aspects of divorce you’re also considering reentering the dating scene or rebuilding your life as a single person or parent.
How to Help Your Teen Survive Your Divorce
Divorcing when your child is a teenager poses unique challenges. In many ways, the two of you are in a similar spot — while you’re trying to establish a new life as a single person, your teen is trying to discover their own solid identity and place in the world.
5 Tips for Keeping the Peace with Your Spouse During Divorce
If you are getting a divorce and you have children together, then finding a non-hostile way to go through a divorce is important
PODCAST: Brian McNamara discusses how Child Support works in Texas
Diana Shepherd, the editorial director of Family Lawyer Magazine and DivorceMag.com discusses how child support works in Texas with Family Lawyer Brian McNamara of Kingwood, Texas. Brian McNamara offers his legal services in the Houston area.
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