Ultimately, dating after divorce looks different for everyone. Be honest about what you want and put yourself out there when you are ready. There is nothing wrong with being on your own and taking time to heal.
Divorce Articles by Family Lawyers and Divorce Professionals
WATCH: Are Stock Options Considered Assets to be Divided During Divorce?
Are stock options considered assets to be divided during divorce? The first thing we need to look at is what is a stock option? A stock option is the right to buy stock in a company who employs the spouse at a discounted or fixed price within a certain period of time. Stock options can […]
Common Types of Retirement Benefits Divided in US Divorce Cases
Since retirement benefits are often the largest asset a divorcing couple must divide, careful planning is required to ensure your fair share.
Child Support and Post-Secondary Education
A college education is necessary for a child, and financially-capable parents should fulfill this need by contributing to its cost.
15 True Fears that Keep Women From Leaving Bad Marriages
A three-component model of commitment was created by John Meyer and Natalie Allen when studying why people stay in jobs or careers. These same components can be used when identifying why someone stays in a bad marriage.
5 Things to Consider Before Filing for a New Year’s Divorce
Ask yourself these questions before running to the courthouse and filing for your Happy New Year divorce.
15 Realistic Fears That Keep Women from Leaving a Bad Marriage
According to Meyer and Allen, “commitment to an organization is a psychological state, and it has three distinct components that affect how employees feel about the organization that they work for.
Planning a New Year’s Divorce?
In my experience, the busiest time for filing new divorce cases is right after the holidays. Generally, unhappy spouses will try to salvage one more holiday season before they begin the new year by filing for divorce.
Managing a Highly Contested Divorce
A highly contested divorce requires time, patience, and perspective. Find a reputable lawyer to get educated on the process of divorce, especially if they are highly contentious, to work toward the best possible outcomes for you and your family’s future.
10 Reasons I Found Divorce Freeing
The possibilities are truly endless and in your control. To find divorce freeing, however, you need a strategy; a financial divorce expert, a divorce coach or therapist, and a support group can be keys to a brighter future.
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