During this period, an individual might feel a variety of emotions. Many are more prone to several conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and a number of physical ailments.
Divorce Articles by Family Lawyers and Divorce Professionals
Who Gets the Pet After a Divorce?
It’s pretty hard to think about who gets the family pet when a couple is going through a divorce. A pet often becomes a core element of a family, with as much significance within the family as a child would have.
6 Tips on How to Handle Being Married to a Narcissist
Finding out you’ve married a narcissist can leave you contemplating whether it’s wise to stay in your marriage or not. If you truly love your spouse, you can follow a couple of tips to try and make the marriage work despite this personality disorder.
9 Reasons Your Ex Lied in Court
People lie in divorce court for several reasons, and it leaves those of us who wouldn’t, wondering why or, what the gain is.
The Unvarnished Truth About Children and Divorce
When parents are more focused on the legal process of divorce and their own emotional needs than their children’s needs, those children are irreparably harmed by divorce – and they suffer due to parents who are unable to parent and divorce at the same time.
PODCAST: Wendy Tse Discuss Common Mistakes That People Make During Divorce
Wendy Tse, a California family law attorney at Gilligan, Frisco & Trutanich, discusses common mistakes that people make during the divorce process.
WATCH: Wendy Tse Discuss Common Mistakes That People Make During Divorce
Wendy Tse, a California family law attorney at Gilligan, Frisco & Trutanich, discusses common mistakes that people make during the divorce process.
WATCH: Janine M. Frisco Discuss the Differences in Divorce as We Age
Janine Frisco, a California family law attorney at Gilligan, Frisco & Trutanich, discusses differences in California divorce as we age.
PODCAST: Janine M. Frisco Discuss the Differences in Divorce as We Age
Janine Frisco, a California family law attorney at Gilligan, Frisco & Trutanich, discusses differences in California divorce as we age.
PODCAST: Michael Sarris Discussed What a Judge Consider When Dividing Marital Property
Michael Sarris, a California family law attorney at Gilligan, Frisco & Trutanich, discusses what a judge considers when dividing marital property.
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