The path of divorce mediation may not a suitable path for every divorcing couple. However, if divorce mediation is the chosen path, here are some items to consider when discussing complex issues.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Here are the 6 Grounds for an Annulment in Ohio
Annulment and divorce are two different forms of legal separation in the eyes of Ohio law. Many use the terms interchangeably without knowing they mean two different things. Some couples choose to separate for a time to determine whether or not they can work through their issues, and others choose to dissolve their marriage entirely.
How To Get Through a Divorce After a Long-Term Marriage
Divorce can be difficult no matter what the circumstances surrounding the breakup might be. Whether you initiated the decision or not, being in a marriage for many years can make a split incredibly challenging to manage in many respects.
How to Get Divorced: Creative Options
Learn about creative variations within each path that might better suit your family situation and divorce goals.
Advantages of Online Mediation During Post-Quarantine Divorce Spike
Online divorce mediation can be an invaluable alternative to court backlogs in a time of social distancing. Take your future into your own hands and utilize video conferencing with your mediator and/or attorney.
Divorce Mediation Success: 4 Items to Consider
Consider the following items to help the divorce mediation process succeed.
Facing a Divorce As Quarantine Ends?
Family Law specialists and therapists predict a surge in separation and divorce consultations as shelter-in-place restrictions are lifted. There are probably two common reasons for this.
Online Divorce Mediation: 7 Logistical Items to Consider
If you and your spouse are considering online divorce mediation, here are some logistical items to consider.
Tele-Mediation: A Game Changer for Divorcing Couples
While courts remain closed, is there a silver lining for divorcing couples during the pandemic? Absolutely! Alternative Dispute Resolution offers a variety of options and opportunities. In fact, for most couples, there are unexpected benefits. And that goes for their lawyers too!
Collaborative Divorce: Setting Goals for the Rest of Your Life
Divorce should be more than going through the legal process: it should be a time to set goals and create a vision for your new life.
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