Binding arbitration has its benefits, and it might just be the right alternative to divorce court in New Jersey for those looking for less lawyering.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing a Do-It-Yourself Divorce
Many are tempted by a do-it-yourself divorce so they can save on costs. Here are 5 questions couples should ask themselves before taking that risky step.
Does Your Family Need a Mediator?
Families argue – especially around the holiday times. Overbearing in-laws, wayward teens, blended families, elder care or antiquated parenting plans can turn a happy home into a war zone. While some situations get resolved over time, others can go on for months – even years – sometimes causing severe damage. Instead of allowing conflict to […]
7 Ways to Keep Costs Down During Divorce
Divorce has a way of pulling the rug out from under you, even if you are the one who initiated the divorce. The adversarial nature can cause the process to be extremely expensive, and there are usually no “winners” in divorce. Splitting one household into two only multiplies the cost. However, education, planning and rational […]
Getting a Divorce in Your Underpants?
A startup company in California will soon bring the possibility of getting a divorce online to the masses (in California for the time being, with plans to expand nationally). The website was developed by an attorney that wanted to make divorce available through the internet at a low cost. While similar services are offered […]
Is Divorce Mediation Right for Me?
A look at the five major principles of divorce mediation, which are that it is voluntary, private, confidential, self-determined, and based on informed decision-making.
Considering the Collaborative Divorce Alternative
The collaborative divorce process, an alternative divorce process, is gaining some traction as more professionals are trained and become experienced in the process. With its increased use, the general public is becoming more aware of the process and searching for its benefits. While I do believe collaborative divorce is a better way for spouses to […]
Backtracking on Divorce Decisions – 5 Tips to Avoid Killing Your Settlement
Going through divorce and separation can be an emotional, painful, overwhelming, time-consuming, stressful and, for many, a financially crippling experience. Did I mention that divorce can be an emotional, painful overwhelming, time-consuming, stressful and financially crippling experience? It is almost worth repeating because sometimes folks are so caught up in their anger, frustration and fear that they […]
What Happens in Mediation Stays in Mediation (Usually)
Divorce mediation is like the Las Vegas of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods. It’s for adults only, and what happens there, stays there. The promise of confidentiality is a cornerstone of mediation. However, there are a few exceptions to confidentiality that participants should be cognizant of before placing their bets on the mediation table. Mediation […]
Separation and Divorce Means You are No Longer a Married Couple
You would think that this is stating the obvious, but when it comes to a couple who are transitioning from living and acting as a married couple to being detached from one another legally (and in every other way), it can be a very difficult thing to accept. In fact, it is downright painful and, […]
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