Every unhappy family may be unique, but right now, a lot of families are unhappy in a similar way for similar reasons. Here are tips for keeping your family intact during the Coronavirus.
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
What Divorced Parents Don’t Know That Their Kids Wish They Did Know!
Thirteen insights and messages children of divorce want their parents to know and understand that parents often overlook or don’t want to hear.
How Remarried Couples (and All Couples) Can Stay Together Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic
Even in the best of times, happiness in a second marriage can be difficult to sustain. However, fostering a safe space where you and your partner (and family members) can turn to each other for support, is key to helping you all weather the storm.
4 Tips for Co-Parenting During COVID-19
During this time, I remind my children (and myself) that during a crisis- more so than at any other time- we are either part of the problem or part of the solution.
Custody in a Time of Crisis: Custody and COVID-19
When you’re a divorced parent, being separated from your child when your former spouse takes custody is difficult enough. But doing it during a pandemic can be downright unbearable.
How to Make Divorce Easier for Your Children
While you will have some painful moments no matter what you do, these tips will help to make the transition as easy as possible for your children.
Resources to Help Deal With Child Support After Divorce
Though you may be in need of financial support, it’s not always easy to understand the ins and outs of child support if you’ve never had to deal with it before.
7 Things to Expect From an Angry Ex During Your Divorce
We’ve compiled a list of the most common ways an angry ex may lash out during divorce.
Divorce Care: 8 Ways to Help Your Child Deal with Your Divorce
Explain your divorce to your child in the simplest way possible – without blaming your co-parent or offering any sordid details about why you are separating.
6 “Don’ts” When Telling Your Kids About Your Divorce
Whatever you do, prepare yourself in advance before telling your kids about your divorce. Avoid these 6 mistakes, and think first about the consequences before taking any action.
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