Holidays without your kids during divorce feels awful. The holidays will be different this year if you are going through a divorce. Painful, maybe, especially without your kids. You can survive and it will get better. Here are four tips.
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
Best Practices When Communicating with Your Co-Parent
Getting a divorce when children are involved means that you will have a long-term relationship with your former spouse. This article will give you a frame of reference to engage in healthy communication and forge a new relationship.
Parallel Co-Parenting in High-Conflict Divorce: Tips for Making it Work
Parallel co-parenting minimizes arguments between high-conflict divorcing parents while maximizing the involvement that each parent has in their child’s life. It allows both parents to be very involved in their children’s lives – without being involved in each other’s lives.
6 Handy Tips to Help Deal with Holiday Parenting Time
For some divorced or separated parents, holiday parenting time may be a difficult time of year as their children may spend more time with the other parent and less time with them.
4 Tips to Help Children Enjoy Their Post-Divorce Holidays
Let’s work on making holidays better for children of separated or divorced parents.
Blending Families? Here are 9 Tips for You
There are many topics that need to be discussed and issues that have to be agreed on before blending your family.
7 Crafts to Help Kids Through Thanksgiving After Divorce
Thanksgiving arts and crafts can help kids sort out their feelings and remember that they are still part of a family that cares about each other – even if it’s changed.
How to Heal Your Relationship With Your Divorced Dad During the Holidays
Often people think they should feel a sense of warmth, togetherness, and gratitude on the holidays. By managing your expectations, keeping your situation in perspective, and choosing not to be victim, you can reclaim your power.
Marital Mediation: Could it Save Your Marriage?
Marital Mediation is a practical approach to conflict resolution in which a couple identifies their issues and then brainstorms, negotiates, and creates their own solution(s) with the help of a trained mediator.
5 Tips for Working Through Relationship Conflict
Working through relationship conflict doesn’t have to mean “fighting.” Here’s a better approach for those with divorce or co-parenting problems to solve.
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