You have to prove you are truly in the position of a parent despite not being biologically or legally related to the child.
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
3 Ways to Diffuse High-Conflict Co-Parenting
High-conflict co-parenting takes a toll on the children and co-parents involved, but reaching a fair parenting plan can help improve these relationships.
Child Custody Modification in Nevada
With the consent of each parent, a child custody modification will be relatively painless; it is only subject to court approval.
Children Experience Divorce Differently than Adults
Children of divorce are at a greater risk for psychological problems.
Ohio Divorce Custody and Support Discussion
Questions and answers regarding a variety of common Ohio family law issues – especially regarding Ohio divorce custody and support.
There is More to Taking Care of Kids Than Calculating Child Support
Of the many items divorced couples need to figure out — such as who gets the house, who keeps the expensive wedding gifts, calculating child support, and more — perhaps the most important decisions revolve around the kids Depending on their ages, they may or may not understand what’s going on, and, regardless, it will be a difficult transition for them as well.
The Ways in Which a Narcissistic Father Can Harm His Children
We take our mom and dad for granted; like this must be what it’s like for everyone. Your dad may have been narcissistic, but you just assumed that all fathers were like him.
Why High-Conflict Divorce Damages Children
Children can become trapped in their parents’ bitter divorce battle, feeling manipulated and torn between the two people they love the most.
8 Tips to Help Your Teen Cope with Post-Divorce Challenges
Be sure to establish an open dialogue with your teen so they can discuss the stresses in their life and brainstorm solutions with you.
9 Tips for How to be a Loving, Supportive Stepmother
If you feel hurt or angry about something one of them says or does, remember that becoming part of a blended or stepfamily wasn’t the children’s choice. Here are 9 tips for how to be a loving, supportive stepmother.
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