If you are the biological father of a child born to an intact marriage, but you are not the husband, here is some much-needed clarification on paternity by the Florida Supreme Court.
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
Adult Children of Divorce Are Not Doomed to Repeat the Past
Adult children of divorce are not doomed to repeat the mistakes of their parents. You can get the love you want by adopting healthy relationship strategies.
5 Things You Must Do when Co-Parenting After Divorce
Civil co-parenting after divorce is essential because it will determine how well your child adjusts to post-divorce issues such as visitation and parenting plans.
Should You Wait Until the Children Are Older to Get Divorced?
The challenges your children will face during your divorce will vary based on their age. So should you wait until the children are older to get divorced, or is it better to split now – especially if you are in a high-conflict marriage?
5 Back-to-School Tips for Divorced Parents
If you’re experiencing separation or divorce, use these back-to-school tips to ensure a smooth transition for your children this Fall.
School Resources Available for Children of Divorce
Your child’s school can help both of you navigate the choppy waters if your child isn’t adjusting well to your divorce.
5 Tips for Parents Who File For Divorce in August
August and March are popular months for divorce filings. What will an August divorce mean for your child as they begin a new school year?
4 of the Biggest Challenges Facing Divorced Fathers
It often seems like the deck is stacked against divorced fathers. Here are four of the biggest hurdles they face.
How Specific Should Your Parenting Plan Be?
Creating a detailed parenting plan – along with some flexibility on both of your parts – goes a long way to smooth the road ahead as you begin co-parenting with your ex-spouse.
9 Tips for Co-Parenting During the Summer
To reduce the stress of co-parenting, be flexible and resist the urge to compete with your ex-spouse.
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