The most difficult aspect of stepfamily life is parenting. Follow these tips on how to make the transition smoother for yourself, your partner, and your stepchildren.
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
7 Ways Dads Can Empower Their Daughters After Divorce
Many dads write to me asking for tips on raising a daughter with high self-esteem after their divorce. I always inform them that the father-daughter connection and relationship is very important. Fostering a daughter’s self-esteem following divorce is a top priority, as girls are very vulnerable to cultural influences. For example, there’s evidence that daughters […]
Dust Appears to Settle in Brangelina Divorce
With what some sources are calling her “smear campaign” against her estranged husband appearing to fail, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt might be willing to work together on a joint custody agreement covering their six children. Shortly after filing for divorce in September 2016, Jolie accused Pitt of a variety of sins, from abusive behavior […]
Spend Time, Not Money on Your Children Post-Divorce
Divorce takes up a lot of time – preparation, getting records together, and the proceedings itself. It can be easier to buy X-Box games or toys to keep your children occupied while you focus on your divorce. Buying expensive stuff is a way to assuage your guilt, but is not what kids need in this […]
Co-Parenting After Divorce: Learn to Let Go of Things
Co-parenting after a divorce is like learning a new dance. You’ve been parenting with your spouse for your child’s entire life and now it’s completely different. One home becomes two. There are new routines and new relationships to manage. You and your co-parent make take very different approaches on how to handle these changes, and […]
How a Biological Father May Be Denied Paternal Rights in Florida
Learn more about paternal rights in Florida, as biological fathers may run into difficulties if their children are born during an intact marriage.
The Form of Child Abuse Known as Parental Alienation
Slowly, hope is building for children suffering from a form of psychological abuse known as “parental alienation” because of the growing awareness about parental alienation and its harm to children. One example is the relevant authors of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) saying that parental alienation is in DSM-5. […]
The One Thing You Should Not Do During a Divorce
Divorce can take you to the edge. The fight-or-flight response takes over, and emotions run wild. Everything that was once familiar begins to come apart; finger-pointing reaches an all-time high. The undercurrent of the thought “do something, make it stop” seems to compel action. This may include hiring an attorney, sending a scathing e-mail, or […]
Co-Parenting with a Vindictive Ex-Spouse
Divorce brings a whole new set of complications to parenting. Having to deal with an unreasonable or vindictive former spouse adds additional stress to the situation. It may not be possible to parent as a team, and that is okay. Having a detailed parenting plan lessens the need to keep going back and forth on […]
5 Post-Divorce Dating Tips for Dads
If you approach dating thoughtfully after your divorce and consider your children’s needs, it will pay off in the long run. Your kids may feel a mixed bag of emotions about you dating and even harbor fantasies that you will reconcile with your ex-spouse. This might make it a challenge for them to accept someone […]
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