Innovation is a key to evolution. So as long as people continue innovating and thinking of old paradigms in new ways, society cannot help but evolve – and this is certainly true when it comes to the family dynamic. We have seen a seismic shift in the ways families are constituted in the last 20 […]
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
4 Steps to Navigating the Unexpected Ups and Downs of Divorce
Keep these techniques in mind when navigating the unexpected ups and downs of divorce, so you may handle any challenges that come your way.
My Ex’s Girlfriend Is Having His Baby, and I Got Stuck with Her Dog
It was a Sunday afternoon and I got a call from the Ex. He had to rush his girlfriend to the hospital because she was having some serious contractions, and it is two weeks early. Since my two tween-aged boys were there, I went and picked them up. My oldest then said to me, “What […]
Do You Need a Child Custody Evaluation?
Sometimes, a custody evaluation is the only option left for parents caught in a custody battle.
The Reasonable Preference of the Child in Custody Cases
In child custody cases, one of the 12 factors that must be considered is MCLA 722.23(i) – the reasonable preference of the child. In this article, I will be discussing the realities of the application of this statute from a family court judge’s perspective. I recently spoke on this issue at the Michigan Chapter of the American […]
Insights on How a Child Experiences Divorce
As I sat on the floor with my favorite after-school snack and juice, I watched TV mindlessly. My 10-year-old mind wandered until the image of a mom and dad flashed on the TV screen. They were explaining to their kids that daddy is moving to a new home and they would stay with mommy. But, […]
Do’s and Don’ts for a Single Mother on Father’s Day
As a single mother on Father’s Day, you need to recognize how important it is for your children to spend time with their father. Here are 5 Do’s and 5 Dont’s to help you handle Father’s Day after divorce.
Father’s Day Falls on Her Day With the Kids — What Do I Do?
If Father’s Day lands on the mother’s visitation schedule, there are still steps a father can take to make sure the holiday is spent with his children.
28 Mindful Questions For Dads Seeking Shared Parenting Time
Looking to maximize your chances for shared parenting time or even primary custody? These are the 28 essential questions you should ask yourself first.
4 Tips for Celebrating Father’s Day Post-Divorce
After divorce, all holidays look and feel different. For dads, Father’s Day can be especially difficult (as Mother’s Day can be for moms). While most parenting agreements will place kids with their dad on Father’s Day, the experience will be different and may be difficult or even painful. If you are a dad that […]
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