By Vicki Vollweiler, Certified Divorce Coach As a divorce coach, I hear one story over and over: infidelity. The person who stepped out on the marriage can be either male or female. In all cases, it seems, one person is left alone… distraught, confused, and scared about the future. One partner is left to wonder, […]
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
Dear Stepmother: An Adult Daughter’s Letter of Grief
Step families aren’t always easy. Read this adult daughter’s letter to her stepmother after her father’s death, as we navigate these complex dynamics.
When Your Child May Have Been Sexually Abused By A Sibling
If you or someone you know is dealing with the issue of a child being sexually abused by a sibling, you should consult an attorney immediately.
7 Steps to Making Wise Decisions While Divorcing
Your marriage is ending, and you are a parent. In the midst of upheaval and strong feelings, you have to make complex and critically important choices. Where to live? How to keep finances manageable? If and how to use
4 Mistakes Often Made During a Child Custody Battle
When two parents separate and they are unable to work out a mutually agreeable parenting plan for their family, they have no alternative but to go to Court seeking a child custody order. When that happens, the parents are putting the decision of their children’s future into the hands of a family law judge who […]
5 Things to Do When Your Ex-Spouse Is a Gopher Parent
Imagine a post-divorce world where the couple separates but is still able to co-parent. Sit with that wonderful image for a while…ahhhh. One parent supports the other’s rules and disciplines similarly. Parent A, instead of verbally bashing Parent B, is actually encouraging respect. Both parents show up to events and discuss important issues, such as […]
3 New Year’s Resolutions for Recently Divorced Parents
As a recently divorced parent, make your New Year’s resolutions about self-care and becoming a better co-parent for your children.
7 Holiday Parenting Considerations for When the Children Are to Be with Their Other Parent
As a divorce attorney and as a divorced father, I have learned some of these things the hard way—seeing unintended effects of actions on children, and also unintended effects of my own actions on my son (who is now 22 and has “filled me in” on a few things). 1. Don’t tell your children how much […]
The Importance of Having a Holiday Plan
Plan Ahead to Ensure that You and Your Kids Have the Best Holiday Possible
2 Situations Where the Court Could Order Child Support for an Adult Child
In most cases, child support ends once a child turns 18. Read on to see the two situations where you may still have to pay child support for an adult child.
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