When substance abuse becomes an issue after divorce, there are several things the addicted parent and non-addicted parent must keep in mind.
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?
Many times parents feel like it is their obligation to stay married “for the sake of the children” – but more often than not, that can actually lead to more problems and issues for the children. While parents may have legitimate reservations about exposing their children to a potential divorce, many studies are beginning to […]
What’s the Right Holiday Schedule?
Holiday time can be wonderful and it can also be very painful. It is a hard season to be without your children, and being divorced means that part of the time you are without your children. And the hardest thing is that you don’t even always know what they are doing! Both parents need to […]
Holiday-Related Parenting Time Issues
Solutions to Common Holiday-Related Parenting Time Dilemmas
Should You Wait Until Your Children Are Older Before Divorcing?
Deciding whether or not to wait until your children are older before divorcing? There are ways to help you with this difficult decision.
Post-Divorce Family Gift-Giving Guide
The holiday season post-divorce can be both a joyous and contentious time of the year. Decide for yourself which one you would like to have in advance of the holiday season – while you are still rational and stress is under control.
12 Days of Christmas for the Divorced Family
A divorced Christmas doesn’t have to be a miserable Christmas for a divorced family with children. Here are 12 tips from a divorce lawyer to make your Christmas a happy one for you and your children. On the first day of Christmas, recall what matters most to you. This will tell you where you need […]
7 Ways to Create New Holiday Traditions for Your Family Post-Divorce
Both parents and children may have fears when facing the holidays post-divorce. Here are 7 ways you can create happy, new traditions, for your children.
An Outline for Unwed Fathers in the State of Ohio
This blog is devoted to what steps must be taken by unwed fathers in Ohio so that they can officially and legally be determined as the father of their child(ren), and also receive orders regarding parenting time or custody. The situations: We receive many calls from fathers who have a child and are unmarried. Many […]
Celebrating Friendsgiving: 10 Ways to Enjoy Thanksgiving After Divorce
This year, consider celebrating “Friendsgiving” instead of Thanksgiving; here are 10 things to be thankful for, and 10 ways to enjoy the holidays after divorce.
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