Deciding how to handle child-related costs and expenses can be one of the most complicated–and contentious–parts of a divorce settlement.
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
What is The Income Shares Model for Determining Child Support?
If you’re divorcing in the U.S. and have a child under 18, you are more than likely going to pay or receive child support going forward. Will it be based on the income shares model?
Taking Care of a Newborn After Divorce
Adjusting to being a parent can be tough, especially after divorce. Learn some of their habits and how to help them sleep so you can too.
Don’t Forget These 10 Things in Your Parenting Plan
After reviewing these suggestions, you may have your own ideas for other provisions. Focus on what’s important to you and your child.
Cell Phones: Child Support or Section 7 Expenses?
Child support is typically meant to cover a child’s basic expenses such as food, housing, and basic clothing.
Helping Your Children Adjust After Divorce
You didn’t make the decision to end your marriage lightly. Now that you’ve decided to split up, you need to think about helping your kids handle the way their lives are changing.
10 Tips for Telling Your Kids You’re Getting a Divorce
Telling your kids is a critical conversation requiring careful thought and planning. Use these tips to help smooth the path ahead for your family.
Joint Custody Exchange Rules
Parenting time and visitation transitions are ripe for parental conflict, and particularly harmful for children. The joint custody exchange rules in this article are best practices for protecting your children.
Daughters of Divorce: How to Overcome the Legacy of Your Parents’ Breakup
It’s no longer up to others to help you bounce back from your parents’ divorce. It can no longer be about their attitudes or behavior. It’s time for you to create change in your life and move forward.
Is Divorce Tougher on Moms than Dads?
We can acknowledge the impact divorce has on both parents without devaluing the experiences of either.
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