A new study suggests that parents are more likely to settle and share custody when they both have attorney. Learn more about it below.
Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce
The Negative Impacts of Divorce on a Child and Its Solutions
It’s natural for parents to be concerned about their kids’ reactions to divorce. The best thing you can do to monitor your child is to trust them and be with them whenever they need you.
Choosing the Right Visitation Schedule for Your Family
A visitation schedule is vital to a working post-divorce parenting relationship. Your child’s age and the distance between your and the other parent’s home are two of the main factors you should consider. Find out which schedules could work for your family’s unique situation.
What Stay-at-Home Parents Need to Know About Divorce and Financial Support
A qualified divorce and child custody lawyer can help stay-at-home parents negotiate a divorce settlement that will meet their needs, ensuring that they can continue being the parent that their children need and deserve.
Are Some Parents More at Risk for Parental Alienation than Others?
Parental Alienation Syndrome occurs when a child aligns with one parent and grows exceptionally hostile toward the other parent, often altogether rejecting them for no good reason.
What You Need to Know About the “Best Interest of the Child” Standard
All custody decisions must be in the child’s best interest. Find out what this means and how you can show the court you’re fit for custody.
How a Step-Up Parenting Plan Can Simplify Custody Post-Divorce
A step-up parenting plan evolves as your child gets older. It saves you time and allows your child the space to comfortably forge a bond with the noncustodial parent.
What Types of Expenses Are Covered by Child Support?
While the basic child support obligation will make sure children’s regular, ongoing needs are met, parents are likely to encounter multiple other types of expenses as they raise their children.
When Can I Pursue a Modification of a Divorce or Child Custody Order?
To successfully modify a child custody order, a parent will usually need to demonstrate that they, the other parent, or their children have experienced a significant change in their circumstances.
How Do I Prioritize? Paying for College Tuition vs. Saving for Retirement
Should you prioritize paying for your children’s college education over saving for retirement?
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