You’ve probably heard a lot about prenuptial agreements – or “prenups” – from various celebrity engagements and divorces. But are they legally binding? And are they something that ordinary folks really go ahead with?
Considering Divorce
Divorce & The Stay-At-Home Mom: She Needs to Take These 7 Steps
Being a stay at home mom while going through a divorce can be stressful and difficult, but you can stay ahead of the game and keep prepared by following this guideline and meeting a lawyer sooner rather than later!
3 Things to Consider When Deciding to Divorce
There are many things to consider when deciding to file for divorce – but these three could have the greatest impact on your life.
Marital Mediation: Could it Save Your Marriage?
Marital Mediation is a practical approach to conflict resolution in which a couple identifies their issues and then brainstorms, negotiates, and creates their own solution(s) with the help of a trained mediator.
The Marital Home: The Difference Between a Mortgage Deed and Property Title
Divorce is a stressful and highly emotional time, in short, major decisions like what is to happen to the marital home should not be made out of emotion.
My Marriage Exit Plan: 5 Things to Consider Doing
After years of struggle, one woman realized her marriage was killing her, and divorce was the only way out. She created a marriage exit plan that covered many common divorce issues; read on to benefit from her experience.
Divorce: What Your Divorce Attorney May Not Tell You
When you’re in Court be prepared for something unexpected and get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Should You Demand Life Insurance in a Divorce Settlement?
A judge may order the providing spouse to maintain a life insurance policy to cover alimony or child support obligations to the recipient spouse as part of a divorce settlement.
Gray Divorce Shouldn’t Have Women Singing the Blues
If you are a woman old enough to be an AARP member contemplating divorce or legal separation, you need not only to understand the complications of divorce at your age but also find a family lawyer in your area with the experience to ensure your gray years will still be golden.
What Should You Say to Your Divorce Attorney During Your First Meeting?
What should you do and say to your divorce attorney when you first meet? It sounds like a simple question, but meeting with a complete stranger to discuss the shortcomings of your marriage is often easier said than done.
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