Even if you think you’ve kept finances separate, there are laws and divorce negotiations that may have financial implications. That’s where hiring a Certified Financial Analyst® (CDFA®) can ease the burden.
Considering Divorce
Las Vegas Divorce: What Happens When There are Omitted Assets?
What happens when there are omitted assets from a divorce settlement? Does an injured spouse have legal recourse to reopen the case?
File Your Divorce Online: Top 3 Websites to Get Divorce Forms
Want to file your divorce online? Today, the process of divorcing is as simple as it ever has been, thanks to the availability of electronic divorce filing.
4 Things Women on the Verge of Divorce Should Do
No matter what timeline you set for getting a divorce, there is no perfect, practical, or ideal time to get divorced. Being prepared will help get you the best results.
The Public Needs a Standardized Spousal Support Formula
Before filing for divorce, it is likely you would like an estimate of how a judge will examine you and your spouse’s assets. Most importantly, you would like an idea of the future awards or obligations that will result from the divorce. Yet, in Nevada (and in most other jurisdictions), such a reasonable request from […]
January: The Start of Divorce Season
If you’re considering divorce, set yourself up for the healthiest process possible and you will experience those benefits long after the divorce is final.
I’m Getting a Divorce, How do I Find a Divorce Attorney?
When you find yourself in need of a divorce attorney, how do you find one that is reputable, affordable, and a good fit for you? Here are specific methods and questions to ask when selecting an attorney.
Social Media Use During Divorce: Why You Shouldn’t Engage
Participating in any forms of social media during your divorce is likely to cause more harm than good.
Divorcing an Abusive Spouse: 7 Tips to Navigate this Minefield
How to keep yourself safe and start a new life when exiting a controlling and violent marriage.
What Role do Divorce Coaches Play During the Divorce Process?
While divorce coaching is a relatively new profession, clients, attorneys and others who work with those going through divorce are finding that the divorce coach fills a void that existed in the past.
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