One of the biggest problems with ongoing resentment in a marriage is that it often leads to withdrawal and a lack of vulnerability. And if you’re bottling up feelings of anger, sadness, or disappointment, often this can lead to feelings of resentment. Along with this comes less warmth, affection, and over time less fondness and […]
Considering Divorce
5 Warning Signs of Divorce
Based on the past two decades of work as a family law attorney, and my prior work as a therapist, I believe there are five key signs that a relationship may be headed toward a divorce.
7 Reasons to Consider an Affordable Divorce
Staying Together Isn’t the Only Option When You Can Attain an Affordable Divorce
Three Ways to Reduce Divorce Costs
Avenues to Reduce Divorce Costs No matter what the circumstances between you and your spouse, the divorce process can be challenging for all parties involved. On top of the high emotions, divorce costs are not cheap. Between footing bills for lawyers, as well as the cost of going to court, mediation expenses, and real estate bills, […]
6 Actions to Take When You Are Considering Divorce
Take One Step at a Time When Considering Divorce Divorce, like all life-altering decisions, requires a great deal of careful forethought and preparation. Indeed, the divorce process is often more complicated than similarly life-changing events (like marriage, purchasing a house, or moving) owing to the potent mix of emotional and financial turmoil that frequently accompanies […]
3 Causes of Divorce and How to Avoid Them
Most of us yearn to be in a good relationship where we feel validated, accepted, loved, and needed. Problems occur when we don’t feel like this in our relationships – and those problems can lead to divorce.
The Pitfalls Of Equal Timesharing Legislation
After a failed attempt at passing a flawed alimony reform bill in 2016, mainly due to an inclusion of a provision that would have created a presumption of equal timesharing between parents, the Florida Legislature is back now with what appears to another timesharing bill that would fundamentally alter how timesharing and parental contact would be addressed by Judges throughout the State.
The 7 Stages of Emotional Affairs – and How to Save Your Marriage
Most emotional affairs aren’t physically sexual, but rather emotionally provocative & intimate. Here’s how to deal with each stage – and maybe save your marriage.
Being Served With Divorce Papers
What to Do after Being Served with Divorce Papers One experience that no one wants to have happen is being served with divorce papers. This is especially true when it comes as a surprise. Through all the emotions and thoughts that you go through, the overwhelming question that you’ll ask yourself is, “What now?” Everyone’s […]
The Ins and Outs of Gray Divorce
Gray Divorce and It’s Increasing Prominence in Society
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