Choosing a divorce attorney is a difficult task, but navigating online attorney reviews might just be helpful to find the right lawyer for you.
Considering Divorce
5 Ways to Help Someone Who Is Getting a Divorce
You’ve just found out that a close friend or family member is getting a divorce. Naturally, you want to help out any way you can – perhaps by offering encouragement or advice. What are the do’s and don’ts of lending a hand to a divorcing friend in need? 1. Be unconditionally supportive. To begin with, […]
6 Crucial Pieces of Financial Information Your Tax Return Can Reveal
When divorce is on the horizon, it becomes necessary to compile a list of marital property (assets and debts) and supporting documentation as early in the process as possible. But many people have difficulty locating the necessary information. Tax returns are a good place to start when trying to verify sources of income, and to […]
Relationships Follow a Natural Progression – Are You Heading for Divorce?
Just like “April showers bring May flowers,” relationships also follow a natural progression. Is your marriage getting better every day, or are you heading for divorce?
5 Ways to Financially Prepare for Divorce
Financial issues will dominate the discussion of your divorce settlement. Therefore, it makes sense to financially prepare for divorce. You are preparing not only for the actual expenses related to the divorce process, but also for the major financial adjustments that will follow. (For those of you who were looking for ways to hide assets, […]
Divorce and the Death of Prince
What do the death of Prince and a divorce have in common? At first blush nothing, but let’s dig a little deeper. Prince tragically died without any will or estate plan. His estate is worth over $100 million, if not several times more. There are estimates at over $300 million. His music will bring in […]
Divorce Attorneys for Men Only. Really?
The marketing or advertising concept: We have noticed some recent marketing of law firms in which they state that they “focus” on representing men. I have yet to see a firm advertisement for a firm representing “Women Only,” but even the concept of firms for men or firms for women should set you to wondering […]
Untying the Knot is Tougher Than Getting Married
You know that the sanctity of marriage and all that it should represent has become tarnished when we read in the tabloids or even more respectable newspapers about the failure of yet another celebrity marriage. What degrades marriage even further is when there are articles that site the “13 Shortest Marriages in Celebrity History.” The […]
Should You Use an App to Spy on Your Cheating Spouse?
By Mary Fetzer Think your spouse is cheating? You don’t need a pricey private investigator to prove it. Divorce attorneys across the nation are seeing an increase in cases that involve inexpensive smartphone apps that enable suspicious spouses to keep tabs on their significant other. The apps work—but are they legal? Apps that help you […]
Feeling Like a Fool in Your Marriage? It Could Just Be an Amygdala Hijack
Do your emotions feel overwhelming? Have you put reason aside? You’re likely experiencing an amygdala hijack. Find out what it means and how to control it.
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