Apologizing and granting forgiveness will allow you and your partner to move out of the role of victim and stop letting wounds from the past fester. Remember to give each other the benefit of the doubt and be receptive to learning effective ways to repair hurt feelings.
Considering Divorce
How Will My Family Business Be Affected By My Divorce?
A family business may not only represent an extensive investment of both money and time, but it may also be the primary source of income for a couple, and multiple other family members may also be involved in the business.
Will Receiving Alimony And/Or Child Support Payments Count As Income For A Refinancing Or New Mortgage?
If you are divorced or are going through a divorce, you might assume that receiving alimony and/or child support payments will qualify as income to refinance your current mortgage or get a new one. Unfortunately, you may discover that is not necessarily true. What you and others might consider income and what mortgage lenders consider qualified income may be two very different things.
Does Your Marriage Qualify for an Annulment?
In the simplest of terms, the difference between an annulment and divorce is that a divorce ends a marriage, while an annulment erases the existence of the marriage as if it never existed.
What to Expect from a Collaborative Divorce
A collaborative divorce is just what it sounds like. You and your spouse work together to decide the terms for your split. Instead of having a judge decide every single issue involved in your divorce, you’ll collaborate to find answers to questions.
Protecting and Improving Your Credit Before, During and After Divorce
Your financial future depends on good credit scores and clean credit reports with no derogatory items. In this article, I review the steps and offer some tips for handling your credit reports, joint credit cards, and other debts, so your credit will be protected before, during, and after divorce.
5 Ways to Prepare Before Filing for Divorce
Preparing for your split can help you avoid many of the biggest struggles of ending a marriage. Keep reading to learn the most significant problems many people face when divorcing, and five tips to minimize the stress of your split in advance.
Why High Interest Rates Shouldn’t Deter You From Refinancing If You Want To Keep Your Marital Home
You are not refinancing your home for typical reasons. You are refinancing because of your divorce, and you want to keep your home.
What Is the Impact of Infidelity on Divorce?
Can your partner’s infidelity be held against them if you get a divorce? Here’s what you need to know about how infidelity could affect your own split.
4 Restorative Things To Do After a Divorce
Whether it feels like it was a long time coming or came out of the sky like a thunderbolt, it is a change, it hurts and it’s disruptive to every aspect of your life.
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