Legal separation in New Jersey doesn’t really exist. If you want to separate from your spouse, you can do so, and you don’t need an agreement to do that; but if you have children and you want to leave the marital home, you cannot take the children with you unless you have your spouse’s consent or permission from the court.
Considering Divorce
3 Important Things to Know About Divorce Law in New Jersey
One of the most misunderstood aspects of family law is how alimony is calculated. In some states, there is simply a formula that is utilized. However, in New Jersey, it is much more fact-specific.
Divorce and Coronavirus: Does it Make Sense to Wait?
Does it make sense to wait on starting or completing your divorce process in the time of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Explore how the coronavirus might affect your divorce in terms of health, economic and divorce settlement issues.
Collaborative Divorce: Setting Goals for the Rest of Your Life
Divorce should be more than going through the legal process: it should be a time to set goals and create a vision for your new life.
Some Nuts and Bolts of the Collaborative Divorce Process
Here are 5 nuts and bolts of the collaborative divorce process – an alternative to litigious divorce that is gaining recognition in North America.
How to Have a Collaborative Divorce
The collaborative divorce model offers many advantages. Collaborative divorce is a modern, sensible non-adversarial dispute resolution option. It is different from mediation, or litigation.
Dropping the “D Bomb”: How to Tell Your Husband Your Marriage Is Over
Contemplating divorce? Your first divorce conversation sets the tone for a respectful process and must be planned with care. Before you tell your husband you want out, consider these helpful pointers and handle this difficult conversation with poise and grace.
6 Things You Should Do if You Want a New Year’s Divorce
Unhappy couples want to get through the holidays and hence, from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve, divorce attorneys typically are not busy commencing divorce proceedings.
5 Items To Consider Discussing At A Divorce Attorney Consultation
If you’re considering divorce that will mean consulting a divorce attorney. Below are 5 issues you should make sure to discuss during an initial consultation.
8 Surprising Ways Divorce Affects Health and Wellness
Divorce is synonymous with overwhelm and not only due to the details of reaching a settlement. Collateral damage often occurs in divorce’s impact on a person’s health and is often neglected. It is something that might not even be a consideration, but must be one.
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