Pope Francis became the first pontiff to endorse same-sex civil unions on Wednesday, sparking cheers from gay Catholics and demands for clarification from conservatives given the Vatican’s official teaching on the issue.
Relationships and Dating
Is Your Divorce Guilt Killing You?
Why not put that energy you spend on feeling bad about the past into something awesome, like creating the good life you deserve and the chance to start over?
How Remarried Couples Can Make Their Marriage a Priority
The challenges of remarriage and stepfamily life can chisel away at the closeness of you and your spouse if you forget to make your partner a top priority. This can only truly be communicated through consistency between your actions and words.
4 Tips for Keeping Your Family Intact During the Coronavirus
Every unhappy family may be unique, but right now, a lot of families are unhappy in a similar way for similar reasons. Here are tips for keeping your family intact during the Coronavirus.
Surviving Marriage During the Coronavirus Quarantine
Living in such close quarters during coronavirus may cause some strife during marriage. Here are tips on surviving marriage during qurantine.
Dating After Divorce? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions First
The post-divorce healing process gives you an opportunity to learn more about yourself, how you relate to others, and the problems you need to work on. Take advantage of that opportunity before dating after divorce.
9 Reasons Your Wife fell Out of Love with You
Add to the monotony of daily life, marriage stressors and a lack of skills for dealing with the stress and it is possible for a wife to lose those “loving feelings” toward her husband.
Dating During Divorce: 7 Reasons to “Chill-Out” on a New Relationship
While a new relationship may feel like the perfect antidote to divorce stress and sadness, it might have several negative consequences. Here’s why you should wait to date until your divorce is final.
The Healing Power of Forgiveness in Remarriage
Remarried couples who practice forgiveness are able to let go of large and small transgressions that occur due to the complexity of their daily lives.
Why You Should Be Glad You Married a Narcissist
There are lessons to learn from even the darkest moments of our lives. Marrying – and divorcing – a narcissist can teach you valuable lessons for future relationships so you don’t make the same mistakes again.
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