There are many reasons why divorce in couples occur, money is one of the biggest ones.
Relationships and Dating
15 Things You Give up in a Relationship With a Narcissist
If you have experienced emotional abuse from a narcissist, it is okay for you to feel like you deserve better. It’s also okay to not know what better is, or what you deserve.
6 Possible Reasons the Narcissist Emotionally and Psychologically Abuses Others
Narcissists emotionally and psychologically abuse because they are bullies. They destroy women, families, and children and cause grave harm because they are bullies.
Marital Mediation: Could it Save Your Marriage?
Marital Mediation is a practical approach to conflict resolution in which a couple identifies their issues and then brainstorms, negotiates, and creates their own solution(s) with the help of a trained mediator.
5 Things To Consider Before Getting Engaged Again
The thought of engagement can make you nervous, especially after a divorce, but here are the key things to consider before getting engaged again.
Sex Toys After Divorce? Why Not?!?
Sex toys. Things you should incorporate into your sex life for the remainder of your days, married or single.
Avoiding the Mistake of the Middle Marriage: Your Brain on Divorce
The “middle marriage” is the one that shouldn’t have happened: the one some people go through before they get a grip and find the partner they really should have waited for.
How to Start Dating Again After Divorce
It takes a certain amount of time to recover from the emotional wounds divorce causes, but you will recover. The next step is to start dating again.
I’m Single and Have NO Interest In Dating Since My Divorce
No, I’m not dating or looking to date. If I happen to meet someone out there in the big wide world, that’s great! Until then, I’m happy with keeping my TV remote to myself.
The Problem of Non-Commitment In Relationships Post-Divorce
In the past, you met someone, started dating, and a relationship with commitment followed. Nowadays, it seems that there seems to be a problem of non-commitment in relationships after divorce.
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