The chance of a rebound relationship having long-term potential is slim; you need time to heal from your breakup so that you don’t bring baggage into a new relationship.
Relationships and Dating
How Do Sexual Assault Allegations Affect a Divorce?
Whether or not you can prove your sexual assault allegations case with evidence in divorce court, a compassionate judge may grant you the ruling you request in an attempt to keep you safe and give you peace of mind.
8 Things to Do Immediately When Your Husband Leaves You
When your husband leaves you, you’re going to be an emotional mess. Push those feelings aside and protect yourself in case a divorce is filed.
Divorce, Marriage, and Cohabitation Agreements: New Considerations for Millennials
Millennials have much more open attitudes towards cohabitation than previous generations. Many have lived through their parents’ divorce, so they won’t make the decision to marry lightly.
Social Media & Divorce: an “Infidelity-Generating” Machine
Social media has become so prevalent in divorce proceedings that Facebook is known as an “infidelity-generating machine.”
Living With Your Ex: An Increasingly Common Scenario
It’s not easy living with your ex after a breakup. Here are some ways to create space and boundaries when dealing with this less than desirable situation.
6 Steps to Express What Really Matters to You
When each partner can express and respond openly to each other’s wants and needs, their intimacy can grow and deepen.
Are You Turning Toward, Away From, or Against Your Spouse?
When a marriage loses the positive dynamics and romance it once had, it’s easy to think that there’s no hope, no love anymore. Even if you’ve grown apart, there may be hope if you both share a desire to make the relationship work.
Your Spouse Is Not A Mind Reader
You can’t always get what you want, but if you open your mouth and clearly state what you want and need, 9 times out of 10 your spouse will respond positively.
Dumper or Dumpee, Who Would You Rather Be?
Dumper, dumpee? Since I was the dumpee I tend to see this issue from my perspective.
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