When divorce terms are finalized and binding it does not necessarily mean it is time for the divorcing couple to sit back and relax.
Divorce Process
Understanding Your Concerns and Goals for Your Divorce
Taking the time to understand your goals & concerns can feel indulgent when you need to make decisions about the rest of your life. However, your goals can keep you moving in the right direction.
Gray Divorce Shouldn’t Have Women Singing the Blues
If you are a woman old enough to be an AARP member contemplating divorce or legal separation, you need not only to understand the complications of divorce at your age but also find a family lawyer in your area with the experience to ensure your gray years will still be golden.
What Should You Say to Your Divorce Attorney During Your First Meeting?
What should you do and say to your divorce attorney when you first meet? It sounds like a simple question, but meeting with a complete stranger to discuss the shortcomings of your marriage is often easier said than done.
6 Good Reasons to Consider Hiring a Divorce Mediator
When a couple decides to divorce, they may decide to resolve their divorce issues outside of court using a neutral divorce mediator as a facilitator. A mediator can help them navigate through their divorce discussions.
Does an Expert Witness’ Opinion Depend on Who Hired Them?
If a divorce case goes to trial, the experts brought by each party may have different – if not diametrically opposing – views. How does this happen?
Divorce Narrative: What is yours and why does it matter?
All of our narratives play an important role in shaping our behaviors and relationships moving forward.
5 Reasons to Have a Lawyer Review Your Do-it-Yourself Divorce Agreement
Even if you and your spouse have the best of intentions and full financial disclosure, there are several reasons why a family lawyer should review your do-it-yourself divorce agreement before you sign it.
Gray Divorce: Is This The New Divorce Trend?
Take this as an opportunity to live out your very own passions and desires. Be selfish. You are no longer a “we and us” but a “me and I.”
How to Handle Cybersecurity Concerns During a Divorce
Divorce is hard. Keeping your information safe might be harder. Using these four tips to handle cybersecurity concerns during your divorce can make the process easier and less stressful.
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