Although you may not be able to avoid tension during a divorce, your kids are your most important consideration. That’s why it’s vital to arrange a child maintenance agreement.
Financial Issues
What You Must Know About Child Support Modification Hearings
Modification of a child support order begins with filing a form by which either party can ask the court to reconsider the current child support arrangement.
Should You Demand Life Insurance in a Divorce Settlement?
A judge may order the providing spouse to maintain a life insurance policy to cover alimony or child support obligations to the recipient spouse as part of a divorce settlement.
Gray Divorce Shouldn’t Have Women Singing the Blues
If you are a woman old enough to be an AARP member contemplating divorce or legal separation, you need not only to understand the complications of divorce at your age but also find a family lawyer in your area with the experience to ensure your gray years will still be golden.
Divorce: Do You Need a Business Valuation Expert?
Valuation of business interests in the context of divorce can be complex and litigating the issues of support and asset division can be challenging.
How to Become a Master of Your Budget After Divorce
Even if you’ve used the same budget successfully for years, you’ll have to rewrite it after a divorce, then revisit it every three months to determine how it changes.
Purchasing and Managing a Home as a Single Mom After Divorce
When you start thinking about looking for a new home, you may find yourself excited and frightened all in the same split-second. You may start feeling that to spend more, you need to save more.
Securing a Divorce Court Settlement With Life Insurance
While the dynamics are different in divorce, it does not change the fact that life insurance is still a must when a divorce settlement is inevitable. Without proper coverage, you may not be able to maintain your lifestyle or support your children when your ex passes away.
4 Financial Things to Consider Before You File For Divorce
Before blurting “I want a divorce!” you need to consider the financial implications. Are you in a financial position to pay child support – or provide for your children after years of being a stay-at-home mom?
Financial Infidelity is On The Rise: Why Couples Keep Financial Secrets
Do you keep financial secrets from your spouse? If you do, you’re not the only one. Many Americans keep money secrets from their spouses. Learn more here.
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