Even if you think you’ve kept finances separate, there are laws and divorce negotiations that may have financial implications. That’s where hiring a Certified Financial Analyst® (CDFA®) can ease the burden.
Financial Issues
Las Vegas Divorce: What Happens When There are Omitted Assets?
What happens when there are omitted assets from a divorce settlement? Does an injured spouse have legal recourse to reopen the case?
Ohio Divorce Custody and Support Discussion
Questions and answers regarding a variety of common Ohio family law issues – especially regarding Ohio divorce custody and support.
4 Things Women on the Verge of Divorce Should Do
No matter what timeline you set for getting a divorce, there is no perfect, practical, or ideal time to get divorced. Being prepared will help get you the best results.
The Public Needs a Standardized Spousal Support Formula
Before filing for divorce, it is likely you would like an estimate of how a judge will examine you and your spouse’s assets. Most importantly, you would like an idea of the future awards or obligations that will result from the divorce. Yet, in Nevada (and in most other jurisdictions), such a reasonable request from […]
Beware a Rigged Business Valuation When Calculating Child Support!
There are some experts who decide to “rig” the value of a business in favor of one spouse. Here are some things that could point to a rigged valuation.
I’m Getting a Divorce, How do I Find a Divorce Attorney?
When you find yourself in need of a divorce attorney, how do you find one that is reputable, affordable, and a good fit for you? Here are specific methods and questions to ask when selecting an attorney.
How New Tax Laws Will Complicate Divorce in 2019
In 2017, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law; and in 2019, some of the changes concerning divorce tax are taking effect. If you’re considering divorce, or even if you’re already divorced, learning about these divorce tax changes and how they could affect you is crucial.
The One Universal Financial Truth in all Divorces
After working with hundreds of couples, I’ve found that there is one universal truth in all divorces – and that truth could put you at a severe disadvantage.
Understanding the Impact of Divorce on College Financial Planning
Divorced parents encounter unique challenges and issues when planning and financing college education for their kids. If cooperation is possible, there are strategies that can help maximize college financial aid and lower the financial burden of college.
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