When married couples separate or divorce, they divide their properties. In Ontario, the division of matrimonial property is based on equalization of net family property.
Financial Issues
How Will My Family Business Be Affected By My Divorce?
A family business may not only represent an extensive investment of both money and time, but it may also be the primary source of income for a couple, and multiple other family members may also be involved in the business.
Will Receiving Alimony And/Or Child Support Payments Count As Income For A Refinancing Or New Mortgage?
If you are divorced or are going through a divorce, you might assume that receiving alimony and/or child support payments will qualify as income to refinance your current mortgage or get a new one. Unfortunately, you may discover that is not necessarily true. What you and others might consider income and what mortgage lenders consider qualified income may be two very different things.
Protecting and Improving Your Credit Before, During and After Divorce
Your financial future depends on good credit scores and clean credit reports with no derogatory items. In this article, I review the steps and offer some tips for handling your credit reports, joint credit cards, and other debts, so your credit will be protected before, during, and after divorce.
Why High Interest Rates Shouldn’t Deter You From Refinancing If You Want To Keep Your Marital Home
You are not refinancing your home for typical reasons. You are refinancing because of your divorce, and you want to keep your home.
How a Lawyer Can Help You With Child Support Issues?
Child support is a set amount of money paid by the non-custodial partner to the custodial partner to take care of the living and medical expenses of the children. Child support ends when the child turns 18 and graduates or turns 19 years old.
Prenups and Remarriage: Should Couples Entering Remarriage Consider a Prenuptial Agreement?
While often thought of as a negative signal to the other person and a risk factor for divorce, the advantage of a prenuptial agreement is that it can protect a couple with unequal assets or if one person feels insecure about finances.
How Housing Problems are Affecting Divorcing Couples
Those looking to sell their matrimonial home or buy out their spouse from the property are finding out that the present market conditions are increasingly becoming unfavorable.
Why Co-Owning the Marital Home After Divorce Is a Terrible Idea
Co-owning a home together after divorce will not resolve your marital problems; in fact, it could actually exacerbate them.
What is The Income Shares Model for Determining Child Support?
If you’re divorcing in the U.S. and have a child under 18, you are more than likely going to pay or receive child support going forward. Will it be based on the income shares model?
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