Putting emotions and suspicions aside, a prenuptial agreement could be viewed as an important document that protects not only one or both parties, but also protects children from prior relationships and businesses and other interests.
Financial Issues
The 5 Big Myths About Prenuptial Agreements: Part 2
There are far too many myths about prenuptial agreements — most of them negative and misleading. The intent for such an agreement is to protect the parties entering in to one.
What Happens When Your Child Gets Divorced: Division of Gifted and Inherited Property
Although the issue of gifted and inherited assets is not a new topic in the context of a Massachusetts Divorce I have recently seen an uptick in interest in this topic. So, it is time to revisit this issue.
5 Helpful Ways to Improve Your Finances Post-Divorce
Preserving your mental and emotional health post-divorce is hard enough, but taking control of your finances can alleviate the stress.
Divorce and Mortgage: Here’s What You Need to Know
You’re probably worried about stability and financial security, but being proactive and asking the right questions about divorce and mortgage can make the process a much easier one.
5 Steps to Buying a House After Divorce
One of the biggest challenges in life after divorce is finding a new home. If you’re thinking about buying a house after divorce, here are five steps you should take.
Divorced? Consider These 5 Things Before Buying a New House
While you are transitioning from married to divorced, there are several things to take into account if you’re thinking about purchasing a new home.
What to Do After Divorce: 10 Important Tasks
Unfortunately, your divorce judgment doesn’t describe what to do after divorce to complete your financial and legal separation. Here are the top 10 post-divorce tasks to help you start the next chapter of your life.
Starting Over With Your Finances After a Divorce
Create a plan for your finances as early as possible; it can go a long way to making your divorce as simple as it can be. Here are 5 tips on handling your finances after divorce.
How to Manage Your Money for a Promising Future Post-Divorce
Managing money may be one of the most complex adjustments after your divorce is official, but there are ways you can quickly put money back into your bank account.
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