If you have your heart set on a new home, here are some financial tips that you can use to make your best offer.
Financial Issues
3 Categories to Focus on as You Prepare Financially for Divorce
How thoroughly you prepare for your divorce, even in the early stages before hiring a lawyer, can substantially impact the divorce process, especially your bottom line.
Are Child Support Obligations Affected by Losing Your Job During COVID-19?
With millions of jobs lost and work hours reduced during the coronavirus pandemic, it is no surprise that parents are flooding family lawyers across the nation asking for help to decrease their child support obligations.
Nesting After Divorce Can Actually Save You Money
Unlike a traditional divorce scenario in which the children move between their parents’ houses, nesting means there is only one primary residence and the children stay put. Learn more here.
Downsize Bullet Hits Many Divorced Women
Here are some words of wisdom and experience I failed to listen to after my divorce. “Take a good look at your present lifestyle. Admire it. Praise it. Give it the love. Then, kiss it goodbye.”
How do Appraisers Determine Premarital or Separate Property in Ohio?
Here’s how separate or premarital interests in real estate can be ascertained during divorce in Ohio.
How To Ask Loved Ones For Money After Divorce
Borrowing money from loved ones and family members is not an easy thing to do. Both parties may feel guilt and resentment. That’s why, before even approaching individuals for a loan, all the options should be explored.
Blended Families & Property: How to Protect Your Assets
With the following steps, any blended family can begin the journey towards protection and greater well-being.
Financial Independence: Steps to Take After a Divorce
After your divorce, you may wonder how you will gain financial independence. Read on to understand and conquer the money difficulties that come with separating.
What Are the In-Demand Jobs for Single Moms in a Post-COVID World?
Whether you’re studying to re-enter the workforce or deciding on a new career path, check out this list of essential jobs for single moms – including tips on industries likely to experience permanent changes.
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