Whether you are the parent or the child, divorce is traumatic at any age. It can be especially difficult, though, when it happens later in life.
Financial Issues
Alimony and Spousal Support in Ohio: 2020
Learn about alimony and spousal support in Ohio here.
Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent to Sell Your House During Divorce
When searching for the right real estate agent, your careful interviewing process will likely reveal a variety of styles and personalities, all of which are important.
What to Know Before You Start a New Career Post-Divorce
From valuable skills that will make your resume irresistible to what you can’t afford to overlook when you’re considering a new position, here’s what to know before pursuing a new career post-divorce.
5 Things to Consider About Filing for Bankruptcy After Divorce
Deciding whether or not to file for bankruptcy can be a stressful task after an already stressful divorce. This should help you make the decision.
Can Child Support and Spousal Support be Changed After a Divorce is Final?
It’s a good idea to check with your lawyer every few years and ask the attorney to investigate the possibility of a modification in child support or maintenance.
Covid Virus Economic Changes And Support Obligations In Ohio
File a motion now, to either increase or decrease support, you won’t be able to file one later and “go back to now”
What to Do With the House, Post-Divorce
Sometimes, the marital home can stir up a lot of negative memories, but you may be attached to the house itself. So, why not turn it into something positive and make a bit of money along the way
How Federal Benefits Are Affected by Military Divorce in California
Military service can make the already complicated challenge of divorce even more difficult. If you are facing divorce in California, this short guide will get you started on some of the key issues to think about.
Using Curb Appeal to Sell Your Home During a Divorce
Adding attractive eye-catching colors while keeping with the overall style of the exterior of the home is a perfect way to add to your curb appeal.
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