Though you may be in need of financial support, it’s not always easy to understand the ins and outs of child support if you’ve never had to deal with it before.
Financial Issues
Lesser-Known Financial Risks for Couples Facing Divorce
Learn about these lesser-known financial risks to protect your financial future when you’re going through a divorce.
New Year, New Way to Budget After Divorce: 5 Steps
There is an old adage that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Creating a budget helps you take control of your financial wellness, get a better grasp of your money, and learn how to manage your money better.
3 Financial Mistakes to Avoid When it Comes to the Cost of Divorce
The cost of your divorce depends on how well you and your spouse can communicate, and how willing you are to negotiate the terms of your divorce outside of court.
6 Things You Should Do if You Want a New Year’s Divorce
Unhappy couples want to get through the holidays and hence, from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve, divorce attorneys typically are not busy commencing divorce proceedings.
No One Can Touch My Retirement for Child Support or Alimony, Right?
Retirement funds are not all safe from being taken to satisfy child support or alimony/spousal support obligations.
How to Use Finances to Rebuild the New You
Creating a solid foundation financially is a good starting point for rebuilding your life. Here is how you can use finances as a foundation for rebuilding the new you.
How Financial Mismanagement Impacts a Marriage
There are many reasons why divorce in couples occur, money is one of the biggest ones.
Financial Matters During Divorce: Things to Consider
If you are going through a divorce, it’s important to understand that this is already a difficult time in your life, even if you want it or you think it is for the best. Remember to take step back and understand that financial matters during divorce can have a huge impact on you for the rest of your life.
How to Handle Divorce in a Family Business
Here are some tips on how to handle a divorce when you rely on your partner in a family business.
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