Domestic violence allegations can upend your life, especially when coupled with a divorce or the risk of losing your relationship with your children.
Legal Issues
The Basics of Prenuptial Agreements Part One: Why Do You Need a Prenuptial Agreement?
Going through a divorce is difficult enough. As you process your feelings, the last thing you want to have to deal with is regret that you did not sign a prenuptial agreement.
Choosing Your Family Law Professional During Divorce
Here is a list of some divorce professionals you may want to consider.
What to Do After Divorce: 10 Important Tasks
Unfortunately, your divorce judgment doesn’t describe what to do after divorce to complete your financial and legal separation. Here are the top 10 post-divorce tasks to help you start the next chapter of your life.
Options To Proceed With A Divorce in California
When it comes to divorce in California, there are several options that a couple has to move forward.
Divorce Lawyers: Why You Need to Hire One
An insider reveals why you should not go defenseless into the divorce battlefield
How do Appraisers Determine Premarital or Separate Property in Ohio?
Here’s how separate or premarital interests in real estate can be ascertained during divorce in Ohio.
Get Leverage when Negotiating with a Narcissist
Gaining leverage when negotiating with a narcissist is the only way to come out unscathed.
How Federal Benefits Are Affected by Military Divorce in California
Military service can make the already complicated challenge of divorce even more difficult. If you are facing divorce in California, this short guide will get you started on some of the key issues to think about.
Is the Coronavirus Affecting Your Divorce? How You Should Handle It
We are dealing with a time of global crisis. Your personal lifestyle has been affected by school closings, business closings and court closings. And, if you’re in a divorce, the Coronavirus is affecting that, too. Here’s what you can do.
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