One of the most misunderstood aspects of family law is how alimony is calculated. In some states, there is simply a formula that is utilized. However, in New Jersey, it is much more fact-specific.
Legal Issues
Should A Marriage License Come With Warnings?
Potential new pamphlets to accompany marriage licenses may list rights and obligations from marriage and on divorce.
6 Things You Should Do if You Want a New Year’s Divorce
Unhappy couples want to get through the holidays and hence, from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve, divorce attorneys typically are not busy commencing divorce proceedings.
No One Can Touch My Retirement for Child Support or Alimony, Right?
Retirement funds are not all safe from being taken to satisfy child support or alimony/spousal support obligations.
How an Injunction During Divorce Can Keep You Safe
When you’re in a scary situation, you need to be able to rely on the law to protect you. This is particularly true when you’re at risk of domestic violence.
What Do I Do With My Wedding Ring After Divorce?
Here are some tips and considerations for when to stop wearing the ring, the value of the ring, and the family significance of the ring during a divorce.
3 Reasons You Want to Avoid Family Court During Divorce
It is better for clients to make their own decisions about what’s best for their children rather than “the stranger in the black robe.”
How to Deal With Assets and Debts During Divorce
When you have no clue how to deal with the legal procedure and what steps you should take for the best possible outcome, relying on your lawyer’s would be the best option.
5 Tips for Getting the Most from Your Attorney During Mediation
Consulting with an attorney can be a valuable component of an effective divorce mediation process. This article describes how to maximize the benefit and minimize the cost of attorney support during mediation.
How #MeToo Shook American Marriages
When the #MeToo movement began trending on social media toward the end of 2017, it shook the bedrock of male-dominated industries. But what does this mean for marriages in America?
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