If a divorce case goes to trial, the experts brought by each party may have different – if not diametrically opposing – views. How does this happen?
Legal Issues
5 Reasons to Have a Lawyer Review Your Do-it-Yourself Divorce Agreement
Even if you and your spouse have the best of intentions and full financial disclosure, there are several reasons why a family lawyer should review your do-it-yourself divorce agreement before you sign it.
How to Handle Cybersecurity Concerns During a Divorce
Divorce is hard. Keeping your information safe might be harder. Using these four tips to handle cybersecurity concerns during your divorce can make the process easier and less stressful.
How to Divorce a Spouse You Can’t Find
What happens when you don’t know where your spouse is? Do you have the ability to get a divorce in Florida? Of course you do.
10 Benefits of Divorce Mediation
Divorce mediation has many financial, logistical, psychological and emotional benefits when compared to a traditional, lawyer-driven divorce litigation process.
Emergency Child Custody in North Carolina
Even in situations where you may not be able to get emergency child custody in North Carolina, the standard custody process is available to ask the court to determine a custody matter.
Divorce, Marriage, and Cohabitation Agreements: New Considerations for Millennials
Millennials have much more open attitudes towards cohabitation than previous generations. Many have lived through their parents’ divorce, so they won’t make the decision to marry lightly.
“I’m Getting Divorced…Am I Going to Lose My Home Business?”
In divorce actions, all participants would prefer a scenario where the one spouse dictates the separation terms. Particularly if you are concerned about the home business you worked so hard to build, animosity toward a divorcing spouse should be avoided at all costs.
The Costs of a Child Custody Conflict Case
You can help yourself by researching and understanding the process as well as the costs of a child custody conflict case.
Changing A Child’s Last Name In Ohio When You Are an Unmarried Parent
Changing a child’s last name in Ohio when you are an unmarried parent can be a complicated process. Learn more about the process here.
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