Grounds for divorce in England don’t include being unhappy in your marriage. As one sad, unhappy English wife recently found out.
Legal Issues
Establishing Paternal Rights Over a Child Born in an Intact Marriage
If you are the biological father of a child born to an intact marriage, but you are not the husband, here is some much-needed clarification on paternity by the Florida Supreme Court.
What You Should Do If Your Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers
Achieving a divorce from an uncooperative spouse can feel like an uphill battle. Here are 5 actions to take if your spouse refuses to sign divorce papers.
Can a Divorce Lawyer Represent Both Parties?
Divorce proceedings can put an enormous amount of emotional strain on you. You may think that using the same divorce lawyer as your soon-to-be ex-partner can help alleviate some of that stress – both financially and emotionally – but you must keep the following in mind.
5 Types of Divorce Cases Divorce Attorneys Handle
There are several types of divorce cases divorce attorneys handle; look for one with plenty of experience in handling your type of case.
Divorce: Who Gets The Family Vehicle?
Who will get the family’s vehicle? When partners decide to separate and seek a divorce, the question as to who gets to keep the car can be hotly contested.
How Social Media Can Affect Divorce Proceedings
Be careful what you post on social media and other online sites during and after divorce! You don’t want a spiteful ex to get ammunition from your social media pages to use against you.
6 Tips on How to Prepare for Divorce Court
The idea of going to divorce court is daunting. If you’re nervous about how to behave in court, here are six tips for you to follow.
Why Collaborative Law Can Fail the Litigator
An eye-opening look at how the collaborative law process could fail both litigators and their clients.
Cohabitation After Divorce: Reasons You Need a Co-Tenancy Agreement
Cohabitation after divorce seems like a great alternative to remarriage, but it’s still important to take steps to protect yourself.
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