The new alimony law – effective as of January 1, 2019 – has effectively taken the longstanding alimony tax deduction and thrown it into the proverbial trash. Should you be worried?
Legal Issues
The Divorce Process: What to Expect Step by Step
The divorce process doesn’t come with a “how-to” manual, and there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Here are 7 steps to help make it more manageable.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce?
There are many things that go into the timing of a divorce once the petition is filed; here are 4 key factors that will affect how long it takes to get a divorce.
Child Support Accountability: How Child Support Must Be Spent?
Are there laws enforcing child support accountability and ensuring funds are spent appropriately? Read on to see how Florida and Delaware handle the matter.
What to Expect from Your Family Law Consultation
Your initial family law consultation may be the most important meeting of your entire case.
Facebook: In Divorce, You Can Run but You Cannot Hide
The role of Facebook in divorce is expanding thanks to a new law that allows a spouse to serve an absent spouse with a complaint for divorce.
Keeping Clients Happy: 4 Tips for Divorce Attorneys
Learn why some clients may be dissatisfied with their attorney and the divorce process, and steps you can take toward keeping clients happy and feeling empowered.
Child Custody Law: A Guide for Divorcing Parents
This guide will help you better understand child custody law before you sign that child custody agreement during your divorce.
3 Common Misconceptions About Divorce Mediation
There are common misconceptions that keep some people from resolving their divorce issues – such as alimony, property settlement, and child custody – through divorce mediation.
How to Create Your Divorce Support Team
The divorce process is full of pitfalls. Establishing the proper personal and professional divorce support team is crucial to navigating this challenging process successfully.
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